This post summarises learnings from Dr Oakley’s MOOC on learning How to Learn (see References below for link) together with my own thoughts and reflections on that course together with my Systems Theory post-grad course currently being studied with the Open University and other current studies. Related posts can be found under the tag Learning About Learning.
In particular, I have taken time out from that post-grad module due to feeling really confused, fed up, bored and generally utterly demoralised by my continually unsuccessful attempts to get on with studying that module. Rather than beat myself up about it, I decided to just give myself some time off to go and study a different (albeit, connected) subject. Hopefully it will free up some mind-space and sparks some useful ideas to go towards my next assignment.
Chunking as a Learning Method
Chunking is studying information in small, accessible packages. These chunks are more easily assimilated, since the mind is better able to unite and fit them together into a unified whole. Chunking has been described as a ‘mental leap’ – taking pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and fitting them together to make a whole picture. [Read more…] about Effective Study Skills