Chapters 1-3 of A Mind for Numbers are especially helpful in providing helpful information and additional exercises related to the materials of Module 1.
Worthwhile Additional Popular Works
- Scott Young, “I was wrong about speed reading: Here are the facts,” January 2015. This excellent blog post nicely summarizes what is known in relation to speed reading.
- John Dunlosky, “Strengthening the Student Toolbox: Study Strategies to Boost Learning,” American Educator, Fall, 2013. This excellent, comprehensive article is written by one of the top researchers in learning.
- Michael Friedman, “Note-taking tools and tips,” (October 15, 2014), Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching. This article, and an article embedded within it, (“Notes on Note-Taking: Review of Research and Insights for Students and Instructors“), have very useful insights into how to improve your note taking.