Typical sales metrics may include: [Read more…] about Business Metrics: Sales or Revenue
To the Stars
By debkr
Typical sales metrics may include: [Read more…] about Business Metrics: Sales or Revenue
By debkr
Marketing Analytics uses data (marketing/sales/order data) to describe, explain and predict customer behaviour. It allows management to make better business decisions, to optimise marketing tactics and strategies, improve the company’s results and achieve its goals.
There are three kinds of analytics: descriptive, predictive and prescriptive. [Read more…] about Functional Analytics: Marketing
By debkr
Also known as the General Ledger (GL). Structured by the Chart of Accounts, which is in turn defined by the Management Accounts and other Management Information, Reporting and Analysis requirements specific to the business. Accounts consist of Trial Balance – made up of various ledger entries (Purchase Ledger, Sales Ledger, etc.) together with various Period-End Journals (Accruals, Prepayments, Depreciation, etc.). Reported in month-end accounts (Financial Statements: Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement) and other general ledger reports. Actual results are compared monthly against Budget or Forecast, and are often also forecast out to year-end. Month-end and ad hoc analysis and reporting can also be included (e.g. Revenue analysis, Cost analysis, Product or Service analysis, Customer analysis, Contribution or Profitability analysis). [Read more…] about Components of a Financial Accounting System
By debkr
Four types of Functional Analytics: Production (e.g. Publishing), Marketing/Sales, Operational and Financial analytics.
Create a matrix 3 across by 4 down.
Fit all the different possible metrics (appropriate to your specific business) in the relevant sector, being one of the 3 kinds of Business Metrics and one of the 4 types of Functional Analytics. [Read more…] about Critical Metrics: Designing Better Management Information Systems
By debkr
Very rough working file of courses covering Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Relational Database Management and systems skills (Advanced Excel, SQL). Prioritised courses highlighted red. MOOC study forms part of Business Analytics Personalised Training Plan.
Business Analytics Specialisation – Wharton (4 courses + capstone project with certification, £367 or £408 PAYG)
Customer Analytics – Wharton (14Mar-25Apr £65, 1st course in above specialisation)
Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business Specialisation – Duke Univ. (4 courses + capstone project with certification, £243 or £270 PAYG)
Business Metrics for Data-Driven Companies – Duke Univ. (7Mar-11Apr £54, 1st course in above specialisation)
Parked due to not yet meeting pre-requisites:
Strategic Business Analytics Specialisation – ESSEC Business School (3 courses + capstone project with certification, £207 or £230 PAYG) – Pre-requisites: Able to use R or to program; Knows fundamentals of databases and data analysis (regression, classification, clustering)
Parked due to lecturer’s accent/doesn’t grab the attention:
Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence Specialisation – Univ. of Colorado (4 courses + capstone project with certification, £243 or £270 PAYG)
Business Intelligence Concepts, Tools and Applications – Univ. of Colorado (29Feb-11Apr £54, part of above specialisation)
By debkr
Key Learning Objectives
Understand data-rich business environments and their commercial drivers (incl. how they differ from trad. businesses)
Understand and apply business metrics best practice (setting, measuring, reporting, decision-making)
Select and use relevant data tools to solve business problems (competitiveness, profitability, cash flow, marketing)
Understand and apply critical business metrics for internet marketing / direct-response marketing businesses
Apply data analysis best practice (framing the problem, developing robust predictive models, generating insights and value from data, visualising/communicating data and insights) [Read more…] about Business Analytics: PTP and Syllabus
By debkr
Open-source Learning Management Systems
Moodle (open-source collaborative learning platform) https://moodle.org/
Sakai (open-source learning environment) https://sakaiproject.org/
Student Collaborative Learning Spaces
Piazza (Q&A/wiki style learning platform) https://piazza.com/