Vector Spaces*
Had gone to bed asking: ‘OK so what should I do for our AI system? What’s next?’
Assume this answer means I should be studying Vector Spaces – and hence Linear Algebra – more fully for my delve into AI.
Makes sense given LA is such a strong math basis for all ML courses out there, also for AI generally.
But I can’t help wondering if this also relates somehow to my recent Systems Struggles. E.g. the vector space is an abstract mathematical way of representing a realworld physical geometric reality. Can this offer a parallel to Systems Modelling which might help me to step into the Theory+Practical aspect of this whole Systems thing? (Esp for me being on the practical/kinesthetic side of learning?) Or instead, do I just knock Sys Prac on the head?
Anyway, here are some cool free learning resources for Vector Spaces and Linear Algebra:
Vector Spaces: http://linear.ups.edu/html/section-VS.html
Linear Algebra: http://linear.ups.edu/html/fcla.html
What is a Vector Space (PDF download): http://www.math.toronto.edu/gscott/WhatVS.pdf
*Not to be confused with Vector Space Systems, the open access space comany.